Chapter 1: Program Description

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Athletic Training Program (UNL ATP) is located in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences within the College of Education and Human Sciences. This program offers a professional athletic training program that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training along with eligibility to take the Board of Certification (BOC) Examination.

The UNL ATP is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and is designed to prepare students for a successful career as an Athletic Trainer.

The Athletic Training Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a rigorous educational program that encompasses two educational components:

  1. The didactic component includes traditional classroom and laboratory instruction.
  2. The clinical component builds on the information introduced in the classroom and laboratory settings by providing students opportunities to integrate what they learned into a live patient population.
Mission Statement

The mission of the Athletic Training Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is to prepare students for a multidisciplinary approach to health care with a quality comprehensive classroom and clinical education learning opportunities that promote the application of scientific information to enhance the lives of individuals in culturally diverse communities.

Vision Statement

The vision of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Athletic Training Program will be to develop entry-level athletic trainers and promote lifelong learning through the application of scientific information to enhance the lives of individuals in culturally diverse communities within Nebraska, the United States, and throughout the world.