CEHS faculty expertise featured by NET and AERA
30 Jan 2015 By Brad Stauffer
Faculty in CEHS have recently been tapped to share their expertise with a broader audience. NET Radio broadcast a story Jan. 30 about the Nebraska Department of Education’s decision to seek a federal waiver from the No Child Left Behind regulations. Educational Administration Department Chair Brent Cejda spoke with reporter Ben Bohall and was one of the voices used to explain why Nebraska, trailing most other states, is pursuing the waiver. Cejda also weighs in on the efficacy of the nation’s education policy and what the K-12 education community has learned from NCLB. You can listen to the story at http://go.unl.edu/em8m.
The American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Division G Blog features Theresa Catalano in its January 2015 podcast. The topic is Methodologies That Matter: Centering Community Voices. She joins two other scholars in a conversation about conducting research and using specific research methodologies, such as critical discourse analysis and Critical Race Theory. Catalano is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education. You can tune into Catalano’s research methodologies podcast at http://go.unl.edu/zuvw.
TLTE colleague Loukia Sarroub, associate professor, is also featured in an AERA podcast from October 2014 titled (Inter)National Social Justice Issues and the Academy. Joined by a professor from Michigan State, Sarroub discusses current events in the U.S. that have sparked national conversations about social relations, race, religion and justice. They touch on the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the rise of the Islamic State and the impact in the U.S. Sarroub’s social justice podcast can be heard at http://go.unl.edu/vpvs.
College of Education and Human Sciences
Educational Administration
Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education