27 Jun 2011    

Study shows diets of low-income families often fall short in nutrition

More than seven in 10 low-income families in a new UNL study struggled to reach adequate levels of nutrition in their diet, researchers said.

When asked to recall food choices from the previous day, only 28 percent of participating parents and caregivers reported meals with adequate amounts of nutrients like vitamins A and C, protein, calcium and iron, according to the study.

View Study shows diets of low-income families often fall short in nutrition Article

28 Apr 2011    

Food gone bad? There's an app for that!

A new application available for Apple devices -- iPhone and iPod touch -- helps protect consumers from bad leftovers. The "4-Day Throw Away" application, available now from the App Store, is an extension of the 4-Day Throw Away campaign, which educates consumers about the dangers of foodborne illnesses and the four-day guideline for eating, freezing, or throwing away leftovers.

View Food gone bad? There's an app for that! Article

14 Jan 2011    

Campus Recreation partners with the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences on Healthy Lifestyle

Campus Recreation is partnering with the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences to present the Healthy Lifestyles Program. The program pairs participants with junior/senior nutrition and health sciences students, who provide nutrition and fitness coaching.

View Campus Recreation partners with the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences on Healthy Lifestyle Article

16 Nov 2010    

John Kennedy, CEHS graduate, returns for Alumni Masters Week

John Kennedy, 2005 graduate of the Nutrition and Health Science Department, was selected to participate in Alumni Masters Week, a program meant to connect successful UNL alumni with current students. Kennedy is a corporate chef at Blue Bunny. He joined Wells, the makers of Blue Bunny ice cream, in 2005 as the company's first culinologist. Among his responsibilities are researching, evaluating and implementing new technologies and trends in food, and creating new ice cream-related desserts.

2010 marks the 46th Alumni Masters Week.

View John Kennedy, CEHS graduate, returns for Alumni Masters Week Article

29 Mar 2010    

Zimmerman, NHS, receives academic scholarship

Shane Zimmerman, NHS junior Culinology student, received a $1000 scholarship from the Research Chefs Association.

The Research Chefs Association is the leading professional community for food research and development. Its members are the pioneers of the discipline of Culinology® — the blending of culinary arts and the science of food.

View Zimmerman, NHS, receives academic scholarship Article