MS Option A and MS Option B in Nutrition and Health Sciences

Information about each degree, specialization and program area is here:

Additional information about general MS requirements, probation and termination is here:

MS requirements for athletic training and dietetics are found on their websites:

  1. MS in Athletic Training Option B non-thesis, starts summer 2024; requires 43 credits;
  2. MS in NHS Option B non-thesis in Professional Studies in Dietetics (MS PSD); requires 45 credits; see MS in PSD requirement:
  3. MS in NHS Option B non-thesis in Dietetics (online) with GP-IDEA; requires 36 credit hours (changing to 32 credit hours for students starting in fall 2023); find courses and requirements here:, and the handbook here

Other MS in NHS Option B non-thesis programs require 30 credits; requirements are on the next pages.

MS in NHS Option A with thesis requires 30 credits; requirements are on the next pages.

Time Limit

MS degrees are expected to be completed within 5 years: