Advocating for Inclusion, Respect and Equity


AFIRE Roundtable Meeting

Our Mission

The mission of AFIRE is to promote inclusion, respect, and equity for faculty, staff and students in the College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln by: (1) advocating community building (2) promoting participation in CEHS and university diversity inclusive activities (3) advancing CEHS’s mission of “enhancing the lives of individuals, schools, families, and communities and strengthening the relationships among them.” and (4) increasing awareness, knowledge, and skills that facilitate CEHS’ mission as noted above.

The CEHS AFIRE program is in alignment with campus-wide efforts focused on inclusive excellence. To learn more, click here.

Our Initiatives

(A) Advocacy for equity in policies and practices like promotion, tenure, and evaluation of employees (B) Support for Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination or Inequity (C) Education about awareness, knowledge, and skills for inclusive excellence (D) Community building to live out our vision of equity (E) Support for CEHS leadership enacting inclusive excellence in communications, programs, policies affecting the college and its students, staff, and faculty.

Current Issues

Support for Co-leaders & Chancellor and the Anti-Racism and Equity Plan

CEHS AFIRE issues statement in Support for Co-leaders & Chancellor and the Anti-Racism and Equity Plan. Read More

Failed CRT Ban

CEHS AFIRE is in solidarity with Associated Students of the University of Nebraska and the Anti-racist Co-leaders in their advocacy rejecting Regent Pillen’s failed proposal to ban CRT at University of Nebraska. We applaud the advocacy efforts of the many groups on campus to protect our abilities to live, learn, and work in an environment where we can exchange diverse points of view, challenge each other in the interest of justice, and learn from our history. We are glad that the tenets of academic freedom and free speech, advocated for by students, staff, faculty, and community members were upheld by the Regents. At the same time, attacks on the truth about racial justice and attempts to limit discussions of discrimination and inequities may continue to occur. We will advocate on those issues and alongside those who may be targeted.

CEHS students, faculty, and staff can reach out to us through or attend our meetings to connect with the advocacy team.

Support for APIDA Community

AFIRE has issued a letter to UNL expressing needs for change in solidarity with Asian Pacific Islander Desi American people. Read more here.

Call for Solidarity

AFIRE has issued a Statement on Interlocking Oppression and a Call for Solidarity. Read more

AFIRE Meetings

Spring 2024

AFIRE will meet the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30-2:30pm CST via zoom. Dates include: Tuesday, February 6; Tuesday, March 5; Tuesday, April 2; Tuesday, May 7

2023 Events

There will be a Virtual Open House to talk about the mission of AFIRE and answer any questions on Thursday, February 9th at 12 noon – 1pm. The zoom link for the open house is:

There will be an In-person Social Event on May 2nd from 12:00pm – 1:30pm, 204 TEAC.

AFIRE Social Card

2022 Fall Educational Series

AFIRE Flyer Nov 18th 2022

AFIRE will host Val Erwin from Bowling Green State University as she speaks on Disabled College Students and help us understand more about the history of as well as the disabled college students’ experience.

November 18th, 12:00pm-1:00pm


AFIRE Flyer for October 28 2022

Race, Gender, Power & Politics: When Women of Color Lead for Equity in Education presented by Dr. Ann Ishimaru.
Questions and discussion facilitated by: Dr. Taeyeon Kim
October 28, 12:00pm-1:00pm



AFIRE Flyer for October 7, 2022

Trauma Informed Education presented by Dr. F. Pearson, PHD.
October 7, 12:30pm-1:30pm


UNL Report

UNL has the UNL Report incident reporting system link at the footer of most university webpages. Report non-emergency incidents to UNL Report by clicking here. Anyone can make a report that is reviewed by a university team (Look for and click on UNL Report). Emergency reports should be directed to 911 or University Police at 472-2222. Contact AFIRE at for consultation or support with reporting.

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Dr. Stephanie Bond


Dr. Stephanie Bondi