2014 CEHS awardees to be recognized April 18

2014 CEHS awardees to be recognized April 18

28 Mar 2014    

We are pleased to announce our 2014 CEHS awardees.

Please join us in celebrating these achievements by attending the CEHS Awards Celebration April 18 at the Sheldon Art Museum from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We invite all CEHS faculty, staff, friends, and family to attend. A light lunch will follow the ceremony.
Annual CEHS Staff Award
            Melanie Kellogg-Dean’s Office
            Jessica Hustad-TLTE
Distinguished Research/Creative Career Award
            Robert Reid-SECD
Distinguished Teaching Award
            Malinda Eccarius-SECD
            Sheree Moser-CYAF
            Theresa Catalano-TLTE
Donald R. & Mary Lee Swanson Award for Teaching Excellence
            John Maag-SECD
Emerging Scholar Research/Creative Award
            Julie Honaker-SECD
Faculty Student Mentoring Award
            Christine Marvin-SECD
Graduate Student Research and Creativity Award
            Yinjing Shen-CYAF
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
            Jennifer Stacy-TLTE


College of Education and Human Sciences