Communications Toolbox

Branded Apparel

The Licensing and Branding Department protects the reputation and goodwill of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through the control of the appearance of its name and indicia in the marketplace and elsewhere. Any group interested in purchasing branded apparel must use a licensed vendor. Please visit the licensing website for all policies related to branded merchandise, including a current list of licensed vendors. In the past, groups have used licensed vendors such as 402ink, Abante, Art FX, Shirts 101 and Underground Printing to purchase apparel for their department or group.


College PowerPoint Templates

Take your next presentation to the next level with PowerPoint templates branded with the College of Education and Human Sciences and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Both of the versions below are approved for use by those in the college.

CEHS PowerPoint – Version 1
CEHS PowerPoint – Version 2


College References Guide

How we reference the College of Education and Human Sciences is vital to our overall brand efforts, especially for prospective and current students, but also for our other important constituents: alumni, stakeholders/donors, Nebraskans etc. We want to ensure the college is referenced consistently and clearly to avoid any confusion.


Digital Sign Guidelines

The College of Education and Human Sciences has digital signage guidelines. Please review these before creating and sending a digital sign request.


College and Department Lockups

An icon lockup combines the University’s “Nebraska N” icon with text describing a university unit into one scalable image. This allows the text to be “locked in” to the correct position and size next to the “N” in order to keep design consistent across the University for our audiences.

College of Education and Human Sciences
Child, Youth and Family Studies
Educational Administration
Educational Psychology
Nutrition and Health Sciences
Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design
Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education
Special Education and Communication Disorders


Create a new lockup

You’ll need your UNL login credentials. You’ll then choose your lockup style and enter your text. Kelcey Buck, CEHS Associate Director of Strategic Communications, and University Communications will approve the icon lockup. Once that’s done, you can generate the files and download a .zip package.


College Zoom Backgrounds

Showcase your pride for the College of Education and Human Sciences on your next Zoom call. Download one of the CEHS-branded Zoom backgrounds below.

CEHS Zoom – Version 1
CEHS Zoom – Version 2
CEHS Zoom – Version 3
CEHS Zoom – Version 4


Digital Signage

Digital signage in the College of Education and Human Sciences provides information for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The areas that display CEHS digital signage include the Barkley Center, Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall, Gwendolyn Newkirk Human Sciences Building, Henzlik Hall and Leverton Hall. In addition, several departments have digital signs and should be contacted directly as they maintain the content that is displayed.


Email Signature Generator

Use the online “signature generator” to create a professional, Nebraska-branded email signature.


Nondiscrimination Statement

Nondiscrimination statements are required on all University publications.


University Brand Guide

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has one brand, developed by University Communication and campus leaders and informed by faculty, students, staff, alumni and stakeholders. Leveraging our brand position and assets adds value to every university message. This brand guide serves as a resource to all who communicate on behalf of our university with our many and diverse audiences.


Writing Style Guide

This style manual has been created as a tool to help Nebraska communicators present a unified, cohesive approach in the details of the written products we create for the public, from news releases to magazines, newsletters, brochures, and more. The main source for this guide was the Associated Press Stylebook, which is used by virtually every newspaper and most other news organizations. By following the guides here, we provide the university with a writing style that increases our consistency, credibility and professionalism.