Anderson gains tangible skills as NSE orientation leader

August 9, 2023

Myah Anderson wears a red New Student Enrollment polo and smiles for a photo outdoors. The photo is placed on a black and white image of Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall.

Meet Myah Anderson, a junior special education (7-12) major from Lincoln. This summer, Myah was one of 5 students in the College of Education of Human Sciences who served as orientation leaders for New Student Enrollment. In this role, which is among the most competitive and prestigious student leadership positions at the university, Myah helped welcome more than 4,500 students and their family members to campus.

What made you interested in being an orientation leader?  

As I began to think about my summer plans, I knew that I wanted to find a summer job that would be impactful; I wanted to have a strong meaning and purpose to what I spent my time doing. When the orientation leader application opened, I knew that NSE was the perfect opportunity to make a positive impact on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, which I love so dearly. Through the orientation leader role, I was drawn to the idea of comforting and reassuring students and families through a transition that can be incredibly scary and overwhelming. I wanted to be an inclusive and welcoming smile that made the university home to thousands of incoming students, assisting them to find their own home and happiness here at UNL!  


How were you able to connect what you’ve learned in classrooms to what you did this summer as an orientation leader?  

As an education major, I was able to make numerous connections between my classroom content and my summer as an orientation leader! First, when working with students and facilitating activities, I utilized countless facilitation skills that I gained from my practicum experiences and found myself being more confident in public speaking and group facilitation. Additionally, my own work with communication style and educator collaboration assisted me in utilizing effective communication and team dynamic with the NSE team! Lastly, I had so much experience in individualizing experiences and curriculum, so I was able to provide individualized customer service to students and families based on their personal needs and wants!  


What have you learned as an orientation leader that will help you as you move forward in your academic career and beyond?  

From the very beginning of my time as an orientation leader, our professional staff team reiterates the skills that you will take away from being an OL. I did not know what to expect from my growth throughout the summer, but my involvement within the department has prepared me for the future tremendously. Specifically, adaptability has never been a strength of mine (specifically, it is number 32 in my Clifton Strengths). After this summer, adaptability is one of my most improved areas; I am confident in my ability to handle a situation to reach success, no matter the circumstances. Furthermore, my confidence in sharing my own story, public speaking, and creating intentional connections have all flourished within my time as an orientation leader. These skills, each with their own unique importance, will be helpful as I pursue my degree, as I seek meaningful impacts in my involvements, and in my future career in education.  

What advice would you give to students thinking about applying to be orientation leaders in the future?  

Being an orientation leader has been one of the greatest experiences of my college career and I am so grateful that I chose to apply. For any students interested in becoming an orientation leader, you will never regret applying! Throughout the NSE experience, I have grown tremendously as a person, leader, and friend. I have tangible skills to help me in my academics, professional career, and personal relationships. More importantly, I have now become a part of an incredibly supportive community of leaders on campus that will continue to cheer me on through all my endeavors. I know that my fellow orientation leaders will foster friendships that last long after our collegiate career and the community of NSE is incomparable. #NSEFam  

College of Education and Human Sciences
Special Education and Communication Disorders