Funnah learns about studying through a unique course

by Dijon DeLaPorte

June 13, 2022

Jamil Funnah in Italy

When second-year graduate student Jamil Funnah was considering what to do this summer the idea of studying abroad was on his mind. Funnah was unable to make study abroad work with his schedule during his undergraduate career so he was hoping to complete an experience before he wrapped up his master's degree. After some research, Funnah discovered a course offered by Kent State University titled Planning and Implementing Study Abroad While Studying Abroad. The course aimed to teach principles and practice of designing and delivering effective study abroad programs through Kent State University’s overseas relationships at their facility in Florence, Italy. Funnah enrolled in the course and started making plans for the summer with his academic advisor.

Funnah describes the course as follows: "My experience was one that was very unique. About half of the experience was the "typical study abroad adventure', however, due to the nature of the course we had the opportunity to meet and talk with people behind the scenes that worked on the Italian side to make study abroad programs successful. We went on guided tours of the popular spots and got to see the historical aspects that make Italy unique. In addition, we also saw the progression of higher education and study abroad programs in the country. I enjoyed the access and transparency of my professor from Kent State and the directors in Italy. These professionals gave a perspective that was different than the one I have experienced at UNL and hearing from others is something I enjoy. And of course, the food and scenery were top-notch! There may not be a country with as much rich and beautiful architectural history as Italy."

Funnah earned his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a minor in Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in 2021. He is currently pursuing a master of arts degree in Educational Administration with a specialization in Student Affairs Administration also at UNL. Funnah currently serves as a graduate assistant in the TRiO Upward Bound office at UNL.

Educational Administration