Glow Big Red helps light Schmit’s health care career path

by Kateri Hartman - University Communication

February 15, 2022

Photo at nighttime of a brick building lit up red. A light projects
The Human Sciences Building on East Campus lit up red for Glow Big Red. The annual fundraiser is Feb. 16-17. (Greg Nathan - University Communication)

Sarah Schmit grew up in a home surrounded by healthcare professionals. Now, she’s using her scholarships from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln to pursue her dreams of becoming one herself.

“I’ve always wanted to do something in the medical field,” Schmit said. “I just like helping people and I didn’t really see myself doing anything else.”

When the first-year student from Omaha was researching undergraduate universities, scholarship awards helped her choose Nebraska.

“Money was a big reason why I chose Lincoln,” Schmit said. “Having scholarship money is super helpful because I am paying for college myself. Being able to not have as much debt afterward, especially if I am going to grad school, is huge and then having the opportunity to have a good education on top of that is an added benefit.”

Schmit is one of many students who received aid from the N Fund, a fund that typically supports $200,000 worth of scholarships to up to 200 students per year.

The N Fund, which is supported in part by Glow Big Red, is one of the funds that help keep Nebraska affordable for students like Schmit.

The 2022 Glow Big Red day of giving begins at noon Feb. 16 and ends at noon Feb. 17.

In addition to alleviating post-graduate stress, scholarships have helped Schmit focus on schoolwork as she explores options for her future career in healthcare, which was inspired in part by her family.

“My mom is a respiratory therapist and growing up seeing her do that was super interesting, and my sister went to nursing school,” Schmit said. “I also watched ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and saw that the field is so hands-on and different every day. I love talking to people and taking care of people, so that’s how I got interested in the field.”

Schmit is pre-health and hoping to pursue a major in nutrition and a minor in psychology. She has explored several aspects of healthcare such as optometry and physician’s assistance.

Schmit’s scholarships also helped her stay close to home, make connections in the state she hopes to work in and focus her time and money on extracurriculars such as greek life.

“Another reason that I picked Lincoln is that it’s so close to home, I have the opportunity to drive to my family or they can come up and visit me,” Schmit said. “I love the campus and being somewhere in Nebraska is helpful because I plan on going back to Omaha eventually, so making those connections now is great.”

Outside of her dedication to school, Schmit enjoys hanging out with friends, involvement with various on-campus clubs, spending time around campus, going to the rec and taking leadership roles in her sorority, Kappa Delta.

“I love Lincoln more than I expected I ever would,” Schmit said. “Through my sorority and classes, I’ve met so many friends and I love continuing to meet new people and make the most of what the university has to offer.”

Glow Big Red is a 24-hour day of giving to raise money for scholarships, programs, student organizations, mental health services and more.

To support students like Schmit, interested parties can donate to the College of Education and Human Sciences at this link. Donors who give over $60 will receive a complimentary Nebraska blanket in thanks for their support.

College of Education and Human Sciences