Faculty and students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders are scheduled to make 14 presentations during the annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. This year's hybrid convention is being held Nov. 18-20 in Washington, D.C., with a virtual library of pre-recorded sessions available Nov. 15-22.
The full list of presentations involving individuals from SECD is below. Visit the ASHA website to view the entire convention schedule.
Seminars and Research Presentations
"Aphasia Memory Groups & Hearing Loss" – Judy Harvey – 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 20
"Anxiety Outcomes Among People Who Stutter: A Meta-Analysis" – Naomi Rodgers, Carly Johnson, Olivia Book, Derek Rodgers (virtual technical research)
"Considering Client Temperament in Stuttering Therapy to Maximize Individualized Outcomes" – Naomi Rodgers, Rita Thurman (private practice), Katerinna Ntourou (University of Oklahoma) (virtual seminar)
"Identity Disconnect?: Exploring Concealment and Identity Structure Among Adults Who Do and Do not Stutter" – Naomi Rodgers, Hope Gerlach (Western Michigan University), Richard Arenas (University of New Mexico) (virtual technical research)
"Pros and Cons of Making a Positive Change to Stuttering: Perspectives from Key Stakeholders" – Naomi Rodgers, Hope Gerlach (Western Michigan University) (virtual technical research)
"Toward P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Access to Visual Scene Displays" – Kevin Pitt, Amirsalar Mansouri, Joshua Zosky, Hannah Smith, Yingying Wang, Megan Manly (virtual technical research)
Virtual Posters
"Assessment Considerations & Perspectives Regarding P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Access to AAC" – Kevin Pitt, Amirsalar Mansouri, Hannah Smith, Jeremy Burnison (NIRx Medical Technologies), Lucas Miller (University of Nebraska at Omaha), Matthew Lambert, Payton Proud
"Evaluating a Mentorship Program Designed to Support Students in a Speech-Language Pathology Master's Program" – Adrienne Pitt, Lisa Lenz, Riley Ford
"Incorporating Brain-Computer Interfaces, Interprofessional Education, and Preferred Teaching Strategies in Interprofessional AAC Coursework" – Kevin Pitt, Sarah Plock, Allison Sauerwein (Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville), Kristy Weissling
"Linking Stuttering and Cognitive Bias: Current Status and Future Directions" – Gabrielle Ainsworth, Naomi Rodgers, Sara McWilliams
"Pass/No Pass Grading Format for Clinical Education of Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students" – Judy Harvey, Beth Dinneen, Jessie Kohn
"Preparing Secondary Students Who Stutter Meet Workforce Demands through Individualized Transition Planning" – Naomi Rodgers, Ginger Collins (University of Montana)
"Preservice SLPs' and Special Education Teachers' Reflections on AAC Personnel Roles and Preparedness for Practice" – Kevin Pitt, Kristy Weissling, Allison Sauerwein (Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville), Alexa Buckley (Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville)
"Prosody Skills in Adults with Down Syndrome" – Susan Loveall, Kara Hawthorne (Gallaudet University), Logan Kingry (University of Texas at Dallas)