SECD faculty, students scheduled to present at Council for Exceptional Children Convention

January 14, 2022

Barkley Memorial Center

Faculty and students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders are authors on nine presentations at the annual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Convention. The 2022 CEC Convention is offering both in-person programming Jan. 16-19 in Orlando, and virtual components Feb. 1-4.

The full list of presentations involving individuals from SECD is below. Visit the CEC website to view the entire convention schedule.


Tuesday, Jan. 18

2:15 p.m. – "Lessons Learned from a National Survey on Writing Instruction for Students with Visual Impairments" – Pamela Bazis, Michael Hebert, Mackenzie Savaiano


Monday, Jan. 17

10:30 a.m. – "Multi-Level Frameworks in Reading and Mathematics: How Are We Supporting Our Students?" – Jessica Namkung, Sarah Powell (University of Texas at Austin)

11:45 a.m. – "Audience and Structure Knowledge: A Strategy for Teaching Descriptive Writing to Children with a Specific Learning Disability" – Julia Flanigan, Michael Hebert

Tuesday, Jan. 18

9:15 a.m. – "Playing Off Strengths: Partnering with Practitioners to Develop Evidence Based Practice" – Alexandra Trout

10:30 a.m. – "The Effect of Supplemental Reading Instruction on Fluency Outcomes for Children With Down Syndrome: A Within-Study Meta-Analysis" – Seth King (University of Iowa), Derek Rodgers

11:45 a.m. – "Reading Achievement of Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Relative to Non-Disabled Peers" – Danika Lang, Michael Hebert

11:45 a.m. – "Effects of Writing Interventions on the Level and Trend of Total Words Written: A Meta-Analysis" – Shawn Datchuk (University of Iowa), Derek Rodgers, Kyle Wagner (University of Minnesota)

Virtual (Feb. 1-4)

"Supporting the Educational Needs and Outcomes of Students Departing Foster Care to Permanency Settings" – Jacqueline Huscroft-D’Angelo, Alexandra Trout

"Variations in State Policies Related to Visual Impairment and Deafblindness in the US" – Rachel Schles (Vanderbilt University), Hilary Travers (Vanderbilt University), Callie Brusegaard (University of Massachusetts Boston), Mackenzie Savaiano, Dawn Anderson (Western Michigan University)

Special Education and Communication Disorders