Several faculty and students from the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders are scheduled to be part of 15 virtual and in-person presentations during the annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. This year’s convention is being held Nov. 17-19 in New Orleans, with a virtual library of pre-recorded sessions available Nov. 10-28.
The full list of presentations involving individuals from SECD is below. Visit the ASHA website to view the entire convention schedule.
Thursday, Nov. 17
“Communication Issues and Severe COVID-19” (poster) – Kristy Weissling, Elizabeth Hanson (University of South Dakota) – 3 p.m.
“Gender Affirming Voice Outcomes at a University Speech and Language Clinic” (poster) – Cassidy Krawczak-Kummrow, Judy Harvey – 5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 18
“Community/Provider Perspectives for Enhancing Communication-Related Gender Affirmation Services” (poster) – Cassidy Krawczak-Kummrow, Miechelle McKelvey (University of Nebraska at Kearney), Debra Hope, Richard Mocarski (San Jose State University), Nathan Woodruff (Trans Collaborations), Angela Dietsch – 9 a.m.
“The Power of AAC to Enhance Life Participation: Rethinking Our Approach to Aphasia Rehabilitation” (1-hour seminar) – Kristy Weissling, Aimee Dietz (Georgia State University), Sarah Wallace (University of Pittsburgh), Miechelle McKelvey (UNK) – 1:15 p.m.
“Basic Training in AAC – Assessment” (1-hour seminar) – Kristy Weissling, Miechelle McKelvey (UNK), Wendy Quach (San Jose State University), Shelley Lund (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 19
“Can Taste Help My Patients Swallow? A Scoping and Systematic Review” (technical research) – Ross Westemeyer, Rachel Mulheren (Case Western Reserve University), Angela Dietsch – 9 a.m.
“A Collaborative Practicum Design: Interprofessional Clinical Teams in Speech-Language Pathology and Special Education” (technical clinical) – Lisa Lenz, Sue Kemp, Kristy Weissling – 1:30 p.m.
Nov. 10-28 virtual library pre-recorded sessions
“Brains in Motion: A Review of Motion Applications for Supporting Brain-Computer Interface Access to AAC” (poster-virtual) – Kevin Pitt, Hannah Gaffney
“Communication Issues and Severe COVID-19” (poster-virtual) – Kristy Weissling, Elizabeth Hanson (USD)
“Community/Provider Perspectives for Enhancing Communication-Related Gender Affirmation Services” (poster-virtual) – Cassidy Krawczak-Kummrow, Miechelle McKelvey (UNK), Debra Hope, Richard Mocarsk (SJSU)i, Nathan Woodruff (Trans Collaborations), Angela Dietsch
“Factors Impacting SLPs clinical Decision Making for Autistic children Who are Minimally Verbal” (technical research – virtual) – Adrienne Pitt
“Feasibility Testing of an AAC Assessment Protocol for Individuals With ALS” (poster-virtual) – Kristy Weissling, Shelley Lund (UW-Milwaukee), Kristin Her (UW-Milwaukee), Miechelle McKelvey (UNK), Wendy Quach (SJSU)
“Gender Affirming Voice Outcomes at a University Speech and Language Clinic” (poster-virtual) – Cassidy Krawczak-Kummrow, Judy Harvey
“Supporting Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Degree Students With a Mentorship Program” (poster-virtual) – Adrienne Pitt, Lisa Lenz
“Using Functional Pictorial Symbol Animation to Provide Children with Brain-Computer Interface Access to AAC” (poster-virtual) – Kevin Pitt, Zachary Cole, Joshua Zosky, Austin Spoor