05 Apr 2017    

Hackathon aims to create kinder, braver online world

A unique combination of partners is joining forces to host #HackUNL, a 24-hour hackathon April 14-16 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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05 Apr 2017    

Hackathon aims to create kinder, braver online world

A unique combination of partners is joining forces to host #HackUNL, a 24-hour hackathon April 14-16 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Lorraine Males

05 Apr 2017    

Males receives NSF CAREER award for math ed

Mathematics is one of the most textbook-dependent subjects in school, and much research goes into developing math curricula. Relatively little effort, however, is spent helping K-12 math teachers use textbooks effectively, said Nebraska education researcher Lorraine Males.

To support future teachers in employing math curricula, Males will research how teachers currently approach textbooks. She will use these results to develop teacher education materials for college-level courses, with the goal of better preparing students for future teaching positions.

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04 Apr 2017    By Kelcey Buck

Barkley Clinic launches Aphasia Community Partners program

A new program aiming to help people with aphasia remain socially active is underway through the Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic.

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04 Apr 2017    

CEHS represents at 2017 AERA meeting

The College of Education and Human Sciences will continue its rich tradition of showcasing educational research at the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting. CEHS faculty and students will be attending April 27-May 1 in San Antonio. A reception will be hosted by CEHS from 5-7 p.m., April 28 at Pat OBrien's restaurant. For additional information, including access to a CEHS presenter schedule, visit the CEHS AERA webpage.

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31 Mar 2017    

Dr. Chung Receives Emerging Scholar Research/Creative Award

NPOD Investigator Dr. Soonkyu Chung has been recognized by the College of Education and Human Sciences with the Emerging Scholar Research/Creative Award. Congratulations, Dr. Chung! 


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30 Mar 2017    By Brad Stauffer

Hospitality students interning at Masters golf tournament

Billed as “a tradition unlike any other,” the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, will feature a lineup of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students again this year. Interning as hospitality professionals, 15 students and their professor from Nebraska’s Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM) program will work with members, patrons and staff at Augusta National for the 2017 Masters Tournament, beginning April 1.

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30 Mar 2017    By Brad Stauffer

Hospitality students interning at Masters golf tournament

Billed as “a tradition unlike any other,” the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, will feature a lineup of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students again this year. Interning as hospitality professionals, 15 students and their professor from Nebraska’s Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM) program will work with members, patrons and staff at Augusta National for the 2017 Masters Tournament, beginning April 1.

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30 Mar 2017    By Brad Stauffer

Hospitality students interning at Masters golf tournament

Billed as “a tradition unlike any other,” the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, will feature a lineup of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students again this year. Interning as hospitality professionals, 15 students and their professor from Nebraska’s Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM) program will work with members, patrons and staff at Augusta National for the 2017 Masters Tournament, beginning April 1.

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28 Mar 2017    

Is Creating a Kinder and Braver Online World an Uphill Battle?

In 2015, a CNN article reported that teen’s spend around nine hours per day on their social media accounts, with some teens checking their accounts over 100 times per day. The simple fact that this revelation is not as shocking as it should be shows us how desensitized and integrated social media has become in our daily lives. The truth is these days you can find just about anything, real or fake, on the internet...

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