31 Oct 2014    

Grossman to present on law and disabled students, veterans on campus

Paul Grossman will present two presentations, one on legal rights of disabled students and the other focusing on helping wounded warriors and other veterans on campus. Grossman’s talks are sponsored by the Department of Educational Administration.

Title: Current Trends in Post-secondary Disability Law and Helping Students Transition from High School to College

Date: Nov. 5th, 2014
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Location: Teachers College Hall, Rm. 105

View Grossman to present on law and disabled students, veterans on campus Article

31 Oct 2014    

SECD doctoral students awarded New Century Scholarships

Austin Oder and Jessie Patterson, both Ph.D. students in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, were awarded New Century Doctoral Scholarships from the American Speech Language Hearing Association. The New Century Scholarship program supports strong doctoral candidates who will pursue a teacher-investigator career in the academic environment at the university/college level. Oder and Patterson will be recognized at the American Speech Language Hearing Association convention in November.

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31 Oct 2014    

SECD doctoral students awarded New Century Scholarships

Austin Oder and Jessie Patterson, both Ph.D. students in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, were awarded New Century Doctoral Scholarships from the American Speech Language Hearing Association. The New Century Scholarship program supports strong doctoral candidates who will pursue a teacher-investigator career in the academic environment at the university/college level. Oder and Patterson will be recognized at the American Speech Language Hearing Association convention in November.

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Dr. Julie Honaker

29 Oct 2014    

Honaker in National Magazine

Julie Honaker is featured in the current issue of Audiology Today (pages 34-39).

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Dr. Reece Peterson

29 Oct 2014    By Dr. Sherri Jones

Peterson Quoted About School Discipline

Reece Peterson was recently quoted in a news article regarding school discipline that appeared in The Clarion-Ledger, a Jackson, MS newspaper.

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21 Oct 2014    

CEHS Research Showcase highlights life-changing work

Research matters in practical and profound ways. Research in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is enhancing the lives of individuals, families, schools and communities. Older adults can live independently longer, athletes can return to the playing field more safely after concussions, and Americans can avoid the health pitfalls of obesity. These are examples of the promise found in research projects that will be featured at the 2014 CEHS Research Showcase from 4-6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 23 at the UNL East Campus Union in Lincoln.

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15 Oct 2014    

Celebration of Youth XXI: Elegant Solutions

Celebration of Youth XXI:  Elegant Solutions, featuring works chosen from the Home Environment, Clothing, Quilt Quest and Fashion Show divisions of the 2014 Nebraska State Fair will open October 20, 2014 in the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery in the UNL department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design.  The exhibition will close on November 8, 2014 with a gallery talk by 28 youth whose work is included in the exhibition.  The gallery talk will be held in Room 11 of the Human Sciences Building on UNL’s East Campus at 5:00 pm.  The talk will be followed by a r

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14 Oct 2014    By Brad Stauffer

CEHS graduate and student named Nebraska Teacher of the Year

Scottsbluff High School mathematics teacher Shelby Aaberg has been named Nebraska Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Department of Education. Aaberg earned his bachelor's degree in math education from CEHS and Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education in 2004. He's currently a Ph.D. student in TLTE and advisee of Dr. Del Harnisch.

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14 Oct 2014    By Brad Stauffer

CEHS graduate and student named Nebraska Teacher of the Year

Scottsbluff High School mathematics teacher Shelby Aaberg has been named Nebraska Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Department of Education. Aaberg earned his bachelor's degree in math education from CEHS and Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education in 2004. He's currently a Ph.D. student in TLTE and advisee of Dr. Del Harnisch.

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10 Oct 2014    

CEHS Student Research Conference Nov. 8

The 2014 CEHS Student Research Conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8. All undergraduate and graduate CEHS students are invited to share their work with fellow students, faculty, other educators, alumni, friends and community members. The aim of the conference is to give students an opportunity to showcase their work and dialogue about important issues in education and the human sciences.

View CEHS Student Research Conference Nov. 8 Article