Critical Issues Forum artwork

03 Apr 2014    

Critical Issues Forum explores poverty and education

Poverty’s impact on educational opportunity brings together a diverse lineup of speakers as UNL’s Department of Educational Administration hosts its Critical Issues Forum, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday, April 21 at Southeast Community College, 8800 O Street in Lincoln. The forum on poverty will attract more than 200 K-12 and higher education administrators, teachers, service providers, graduate and undergraduate students, community leaders, media, educational organizations and others.

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Critical Issues Forum artwork

03 Apr 2014    

Critical Issues Forum explores poverty and education

Poverty’s impact on educational opportunity brings together a diverse lineup of speakers as UNL’s Department of Educational Administration hosts its Critical Issues Forum, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday, April 21 at Southeast Community College, 8800 O Street in Lincoln. The forum on poverty will attract more than 200 K-12 and higher education administrators, teachers, service providers, graduate and undergraduate students, community leaders, media, educational organizations and others.

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01 Apr 2014    

CEHS Staff Council sponsors international luncheon Apr. 10

CEHS Staff Council invites you to an International Luncheon, Apr. 10, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This event will be held at the Quilt House, located at 33rd street and Holdrege Street.

Please RSVP to Joan Kunzman by Mon., Apr. 7.


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28 Mar 2014    

"Farm Waste Fashionistas" program highlights CEHS scientist Yiqi Yang

“In the near future, when you reach for your favorite shirt or sweater – textile scientist Yiqi Yang wants you to thank CORN – not cotton – for that soft, comfortable feel.

Corn?  Yup.

Yang thinks part of the world’s most abundant grain may one day rival cotton as the future of textiles.

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28 Mar 2014    

"Farm Waste Fashionistas" program highlights CEHS scientist Yiqi Yang

“In the near future, when you reach for your favorite shirt or sweater – textile scientist Yiqi Yang wants you to thank CORN – not cotton – for that soft, comfortable feel.

Corn?  Yup.

Yang thinks part of the world’s most abundant grain may one day rival cotton as the future of textiles.

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28 Mar 2014    

2014 CEHS awardees to be recognized April 18

We are pleased to announce our 2014 CEHS awardees.

Please join us in celebrating these achievements by attending the CEHS Awards Celebration April 18 at the Sheldon Art Museum from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We invite all CEHS faculty, staff, friends, and family to attend. A light lunch will follow the ceremony.
Annual CEHS Staff Award
            Melanie Kellogg-Dean’s Office
            Jessica Hustad-TLTE

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25 Mar 2014    

Romagnolo to present Apr. 2 NGN Seminar Series talk at 12:00 p.m.

Donato Romagnolo, Professor member of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and ,the University of Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona will present a talk entitled, “You AhR What You Ate:  Linking Diet with Cancer Risk.”

The Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics Seminar is scheduled for Apr. 2, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Nebraska East Union. This is a brown bag event with coffee and dessert provided.

All interested faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend this free seminar.

View Romagnolo to present Apr. 2 NGN Seminar Series talk at 12:00 p.m. Article

25 Mar 2014    

Romagnolo to present Apr. 2 NGN Seminar Series talk at 12:00 p.m.

Donato Romagnolo, Professor member of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and ,the University of Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona will present a talk entitled, “You AhR What You Ate:  Linking Diet with Cancer Risk.”

The Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics Seminar is scheduled for Apr. 2, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Nebraska East Union. This is a brown bag event with coffee and dessert provided.

All interested faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend this free seminar.

View Romagnolo to present Apr. 2 NGN Seminar Series talk at 12:00 p.m. Article

20 Mar 2014    

Dr. Rebecca Lai Earns Professorship

Dr. Rebecca Lai is one of six UNL faculty members to earn named professorships.  Lai has been named the Susan J. Rosowski Associate Professor of Chemistry.  Read the full article at:  Visit Dr. Lai’s lab website at:

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18 Mar 2014    

Carr honored by Nebraska Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta

Tim Carr, chair of the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences is one of four UNL faculty members recently honored with faculty awards by the Nebraska Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta, the honor society of agriculture.

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