29 Mar 2013    

Sociologist Crosnoe Presenting April 10 on Challenges of High School

The University of Texas at Austin’s Robert Crosnoe will address how social marginalization affects teenagers’ development when he presents “Adolescence, Peers and the Challenges of High School” Wednesday, April 10 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Nebraska Union’s Colonial Room.

View Sociologist Crosnoe Presenting April 10 on Challenges of High School Article

26 Mar 2013    

CYAF profiles faculty research and work with students in series of videos

The Department of Children, Youth and Family Studies has produced a series of videos profiling CYAF faculty. According to Chair Rich Bischoff, the project was a recruiting strategy and a way to make the department's great work more visible. "I'm convinced that most of the best prepared doctoral students choose their doctoral programs because there is someone that they want to work with or study under," Bischoff said. The intent of the videos is to inspire students and steer them to UNL to study with specific faculty members.

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26 Mar 2013    

CYAF profiles faculty research and work with students in series of videos

The Department of Children, Youth and Family Studies has produced a series of videos profiling CYAF faculty. According to Chair Rich Bischoff, the project was a recruiting strategy and a way to make the department's great work more visible. "I'm convinced that most of the best prepared doctoral students choose their doctoral programs because there is someone that they want to work with or study under," Bischoff said. The intent of the videos is to inspire students and steer them to UNL to study with specific faculty members.

View CYAF profiles faculty research and work with students in series of videos Article

26 Mar 2013    

Graduate design major Lindsay Ducey wins national award

Congratulations to TMFD graduate design major Lindsay Ducey on the 4th place award in the 2012 Design-a-Throw Competion sponsored by Monterey Mills of Janesville, WI. This was the first time that TMFD submitted entries for this competition, and we're very pleased that Lindsay received this award and distinction in a national field. Design-A-Throw Competition is a nationwide pattern design competition open to college and university students enrolled in a graphic design, fashion, interior design, textile or any other related field.

View Graduate design major Lindsay Ducey wins national award Article

26 Mar 2013    

TMFD to join National Retail Federation Foundation's University Partners

NRFF Student Association Ambassador Anna Keiser (l.) and Ambassador-elect Shelby Tucker (r.) The Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design is in the process of becoming a National Retail Federation Foundation University Partner, and the TMFD faculty have chosen Anna Keiser as TMFD's first NRFF Student Association Ambassador. Anna's concentration is Merchandising, and she will be a Senior in the 2013 – 14 academic year, during which time she'll represent TMFD to the NRFF and vice versa. Congratulations Anna!

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25 Mar 2013    

Congratulations to our 2013 CEHS Award Recipients

Congratulations to our 2013 CEHS Award Recipients. Please plan to attend the college meeting April 19th at the International Quilt Study Center to recognize our recipients. A reception will follow, catered by the college Culinology students.
CEHS Staff Award
Nell Inselman – CEHS Business Center
Heidi Menard – SECD
Distinguished Teaching Award
Jim Griesen – Ed Admin
Martha Horvay – TMFD
Julia Torquati – CYFS
Faculty Student Mentoring Award
Helen Raikes – CYFS

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25 Mar 2013    

Staff Council International Luncheon April 10

CEHS Staff Council invites you to the International Luncheon, April 10 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The luncheon will be held at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum with food provided by students from the hospitality and restaurant program.

Please RSVP to Diane Gronewold dgronewold1@unl.edu


View Staff Council International Luncheon April 10 Article

22 Mar 2013    

Business minor is perfect supplement for Gangwish, nutrition major

Jena Gangwish originally came to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to study pre-med and major in accounting so she could run her own medical practice. Then priorities changed and she decided that family aspirations were more suited to a path in a physician’s assistant graduate program. To prepare, she changed her major to nutrition through the College of Education and Human Sciences. However, she knew she still wanted business to remain a big part of her college education and also signed up for the business minor at the UNL College of Business Administration.

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22 Mar 2013    

Business minor is perfect supplement for Gangwish, nutrition major

Jena Gangwish originally came to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to study pre-med and major in accounting so she could run her own medical practice. Then priorities changed and she decided that family aspirations were more suited to a path in a physician’s assistant graduate program. To prepare, she changed her major to nutrition through the College of Education and Human Sciences. However, she knew she still wanted business to remain a big part of her college education and also signed up for the business minor at the UNL College of Business Administration.

View Business minor is perfect supplement for Gangwish, nutrition major Article

19 Mar 2013    

Mislevy to give talk April 8

Robert Mislevy, Educational Testing Service, will present his talk, "Some Conceptions about Evidence-Centered Assessment Design" April 8, 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. The talk will be held in room 139 Teachers College Hall. A reception will follow the talk in the Buros Library.

View Mislevy to give talk April 8 Article