24 May 2011    

Qin de Qing exhibit through June 3

Associate Professor Qin de Qing ("Gina"), Vice Dean in the Department of Textile and Fashion Design at Qingdao University in China, is nearing the end of a semester-long residency in TCD. A reception in her honor is scheduled for her May 24, 4 - 6 p.m. in the Rotunda Gallery of the Nebraska Union. Some of her work, completed in TCD this semester, will be on display until June 3 in the Rotunda.

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18 May 2011    

Staff Council's Spring Fling continues international theme

CEHS staff and faculty were treated to an international feast prepared by students under the supervision of Fayrene Hamouz. The year's final event had a two-fold purpose: introduce cuisine from across the globe and present Passport prizes.

This year, staff and faculty have had the opportunity to speak directly with people with diverse culturally backgrounds. Speakers included Pakistani born Dr. Makkawy, graduate students Bojan Lazarevic from Serbia, Ilker Yengin from Turkey, and Miles Bryant speaking on cultural changes in Georgia, Russian.

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16 May 2011    

Summer 2011 Brings Major Renovation Project in TCD

Work began at the close of the Spring 2011 semester on the main TCD apparel design studio, which will be transformed into an expanded space over the course of the summer season. Two office spaces adjacent to the studio will be incorporated into a larger design studio that promises more ease-of-movement in classes that generally run at capacity.

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16 May 2011    

PERSONAL FENCES: A Collection of Handbags by Sandra Starkey

PERSONAL FENCES: A Collection of Handbags by Sandra Starkey

Personal Fences, a thesis collection by M.A. candidate Sandra Starkey, concluded the Spring 2011 series of graduate student exhibitions in the department's Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery. The collection of handbags played on the connections between purses and fences and explored unusual and original uses for diverse materials including fittings that might be more commonly found in hardware stores, re-purposed to add fashion flair to Starkey's original creation

View PERSONAL FENCES: A Collection of Handbags by Sandra Starkey Article

16 May 2011    

Dr. Shirley Niemeyer to retire after 41 years of service to UNL and Nebraska

On Wednesday May 18 the Department of Textiles, Clothing & Design hosted a celebration of the career of Dr. Shirley Niemeyer who retires on June 30 after 41 years of service to the university and the citizens of the state and the nation. A passionate and dedicated Extension Specialist, Dr. Niemeyer's research and work on housing issues and the environment provided opportunities for individuals and families across the state of Nebraska and beyond its borders to make informed decisions about their housing and the safety, decency and affordability of their physical and social environment. Throughout her career Dr. Niemeyer worked closely with the 4-H program, and brought sensitivity to design and the enormous satisfaction of creative endeavor to generations of Nebraskans.

View Dr. Shirley Niemeyer to retire after 41 years of service to UNL and Nebraska Article

28 Apr 2011    

Food gone bad? There's an app for that!

A new application available for Apple devices -- iPhone and iPod touch -- helps protect consumers from bad leftovers. The "4-Day Throw Away" application, available now from the App Store, is an extension of the 4-Day Throw Away campaign, which educates consumers about the dangers of foodborne illnesses and the four-day guideline for eating, freezing, or throwing away leftovers.

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28 Apr 2011    

Food gone bad? There's an app for that!

A new application available for Apple devices -- iPhone and iPod touch -- helps protect consumers from bad leftovers. The "4-Day Throw Away" application, available now from the App Store, is an extension of the 4-Day Throw Away campaign, which educates consumers about the dangers of foodborne illnesses and the four-day guideline for eating, freezing, or throwing away leftovers.

View Food gone bad? There's an app for that! Article

16 Apr 2011    

TCD Chair attends two textiles events in China

TCD Chair Michael James with Prof. Tian Qing and Quiltmania Magazine editor Carole Veillon

TCD department chair Michael James recently returned from Beijing, China, where he was invited as the keynote speaker at the 11th International Textile and Quilt Festival sponsored by the Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University.  James spoke on "Teaching from the International Quilt Study & Museum, providing an overview of the history and development of the IQSCM as well as insights into the quilt studies graduate programs. Attendees at the conference came from as far away as France, the Netherlands and Australia, with additional groups from Japan and Korea joining the Tsinghua University faculty and students. An exhibition in the Academy of Art & Design's galleries featured work by James and an international array of quilt artists.

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15 Apr 2011    

R2Ed Speaker Series Commences April 21

The CEHS-housed National Center for Research on Rural Education will commence its 2011 Creating Rural Connections Speaker Series with a presentation by Jim Knight, a research associate with the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.

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