11 Jan 2021    

Nebraska, South Dakota Researchers Explore Solutions to Domestic Violence Among Native Americans

Decades of research reveals that domestic violence in the United States is endemic and leads to harmful outcomes for survivors and their families. 

But far less is known about what rural Native American survivors of domestic violence need to ensure recovery and healing from their experiences. 

View Nebraska, South Dakota Researchers Explore Solutions to Domestic Violence Among Native Americans Article

11 Jan 2021    

Research Addresses Sexual Violence Prevention Among Native American Youth

Native American youth experience high rates of sexual abuse — a problem rooted in historical trauma. Until recently, virtually no research had assessed the impact of child sexual abuse prevention programs aimed at protecting this vulnerable population.

To address this disparity, Nebraska educational psychologist Katie Edwards, a leading researcher on interpersonal violence, sought to understand how an evidence-based program to prevent child sexual abuse would be received among Native American communities.

View Research Addresses Sexual Violence Prevention Among Native American Youth Article

The Barkley Memorial Center is home to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders.

11 Jan 2021    

Free support group for young people who stutter begins Feb. 1

A pair of speech-language pathologists in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders are launching a free monthly support group for young people who stutter beginning Feb. 1.

View Free support group for young people who stutter begins Feb. 1 Article


05 Jan 2021    By Chuck Green, CYFS

SMILE project aided by COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant

A Nebraska study exploring children’s self-regulation and motivation as they transition from second to third grade received a boost during the pandemic to gather expanded data.

View SMILE project aided by COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Article

My Beautiful Stutter

21 Dec 2020    By Kelcey Buck

SECD hosting free virtual screening of “My Beautiful Stutter” Jan. 16

The Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders is hosting a free virtual screening of the award-winning documentary film, “My Beautiful Stutter”, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021.

View SECD hosting free virtual screening of “My Beautiful Stutter” Jan. 16 Article

10 Dec 2020    

Exploring ways to help those who help others in the wake of natural disasters

Nebraska researchers are working to develop, implement and evaluate resources that provide strategies of coping and reaching out to supportive others for Extension personnel.

View Exploring ways to help those who help others in the wake of natural disasters Article

The faculty and students in TEAC 431J/831J meet with Nebraska Commissioner of Education Matthew Blomstedt.

10 Dec 2020    By Kelcey Buck

Winter session course explores schools as key pieces to helping meatpacking communities recover after pandemic

The course, “TEAC 431J/831J: Pandemics, Schools, and Helping Meatpacking Communities Recover from COVID-19” may have been created in 2020, but its origins date back much further, and the three faculty members co-teaching the course hope its impacts are equally long-lasting.

View Winter session course explores schools as key pieces to helping meatpacking communities recover after pandemic Article

17 Nov 2020    

CEHS giving challenge runs through Dec. 18

In conjunction with UNL’s Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services that kicked off Monday, the CEHS Staff Council is launching the #CEHSgives social media challenge to encourage faculty and staff across the college to give back as they choose.

View CEHS giving challenge runs through Dec. 18 Article

16 Nov 2020    

CYFS releases 2019-20 annual report

In a year unlike any other, the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools and its diverse partners in research, practice and policy have continued work to impact lives through research that enhances learning and development.

The CYFS annual report for the 2020 fiscal year, which ran from July 2019 to June 2020, is now available — highlighting efforts to address social, behavioral and educational challenges facing society, both amid and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

View CYFS releases 2019-20 annual report Article

09 Nov 2020    

NAECR Knowledge/Networking event examines research partnerships during pandemic

A recent, combined NAECR Knowledge/Networking event explored ways to initiate and sustain early childhood research partnerships in the age of COVID-19.

View NAECR Knowledge/Networking event examines research partnerships during pandemic Article