02 Nov 2020    

Lauren Gatti named 2020 Donald R. and Mary Lee Swanson Award recipient

The College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln is proud to award the 2020 Donald R. and Mary Lee Swanson Award for Excellence in Teaching to Lauren Gatti, associate professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education.

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Jim Bovaird

29 Oct 2020    

Fall 2020 Methodology Applications Series presentation available on video

Video is now available of the Oct. 23 Methodology Applications Series presentation led by Jim Bovaird, director of the Nebraska Academy of Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics.

View Fall 2020 Methodology Applications Series presentation available on video Article

Story of SEEDS webinar

29 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

‘The Story of SEEDs’ shared in Oct. 19 webinar

Virtual presentation outlines the successes — and challenges — of a trauma-informed, gender-responsive, sober living safe home program for women with histories of substance abuse and domestic and/or sexual violence.

View ‘The Story of SEEDs’ shared in Oct. 19 webinar Article

Networking event photo.

26 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

Combined NAECR Knowledge/Networking event explores research partnerships during the pandemic

The second combined NAECR Knowledge/Networking event will examine how research partnerships are evolving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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SBEd & Breakfast

26 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

Virtual SBEd & Breakfast to focus on research collaboration with Nebraska Extension

Faculty in the social, behavioral and educational sciences are invited to participate in this fall’s virtual SBEd & Breakfast conversation focused on research collaboration with Nebraska Extension.

View Virtual SBEd & Breakfast to focus on research collaboration with Nebraska Extension Article

Keting Chen

19 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

Study explores ways to bolster early childhood numeracy skills

Dissertation project explores how home and childcare environments are associated with preschoolers’ numeracy skills — the ability to understand and work with numbers — and how parents and teachers can ensure those skills are where they need to be once the children enter school.

View Study explores ways to bolster early childhood numeracy skills Article

Teacher with children

19 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

Study aims to assess non-contact time among early childhood educators

Study assesses workplace support of early childhood teachers’ planning/non-contact time — a teacher’s time away from children that enables them to address other work demands.

View Study aims to assess non-contact time among early childhood educators Article

Participants in the DSAF Book Club meet via Zoom in early October.

16 Oct 2020    By Kelcey Buck

Barkley Clinic book club for young adults with Down syndrome goes virtual amid pandemic

When the Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic was approached in 2017 about hosting a book club for young adults with Down syndrome, Alicia Davis jumped at what she thought would be a “cool adventure” to lead the group. 

Now, more than three years later, the book club is going strong and Davis is grateful for the lessons learned by both the young adult members, as well as herself and the graduate student clinicians who lead the weekly discussions. 

View Barkley Clinic book club for young adults with Down syndrome goes virtual amid pandemic Article

14 Oct 2020    By Kelcey Buck

Cochlear Implant Research Lab seeking adult research participants

The Cochlear Implant Research Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Barkley Memorial Center needs adults over the age of 55 to participate in a research study at the lab. 

Participants in the study must have normal hearing and be native speakers of American English. It requires one visit to the Barkley Center of less than one hour for a hearing screening test and a cognitive screening test. Participants will be compensated $15 per hour to complete the study, plus additional compensation for travel based on mileage from the residence to the lab. 

View Cochlear Implant Research Lab seeking adult research participants Article

SEEDS program display

12 Oct 2020    By Chuck Green, CYFS

SEEDs program promotes healing among women with past addiction, victimization

Research explores how sober-living safe homes are helping women with histories of addiction and victimization grow and flourish.

View SEEDs program promotes healing among women with past addiction, victimization Article