Technology Innovation Projects

College of Education and Human Sciences


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Matthew Kutscher, PhD, was a long-time and beloved member of the UNL and CEHS community as both an alum and a full-time staff member. He was passionate about technology innovations in teaching, learning, and research and positively impacted the academic uses of technology for many in the CEHS community.

Faculty/Staff Information     Graduate Student Information

Matt Kutscher

Grant Proposals DUE March 23rd, 2025

Applications for Technology Innovation Grants are reviewed once annually during the Spring semester. The CEHS Technology Committee reviews grants and determines approval in conjunction with budget decisions when they meet.

Awardees will be asked to do a 5 minute presentation at a CEHS College Meeting about their projects.

CEHS Faculty and Staff Technology Innovation Grants:

Kutscher Technology Innovation Grant Program (formerly known as CEHS Technology Innovation Projects) is sponsored by the CEHS Technology Committee and funded through student technology fees which are intended to enhance student learning and the student experience.

The number of grants selected varies each year based on the amount of student technology fees available and budget priorities. It is the intention of the CEHS Technology Committee to support one to two grants per year (or more if funding is available) with costs expected to be $6000 or less for each grant.

The purpose of this grant program is to advance how we think about and use technology in this context. The committee is looking for grants that:

  • Are designed primarily to benefit students’ learning experiences.
  • Provide an opportunity for the College to learn about the application of technology.
  • Are replicable and have the potential to be adopted on a wider scale if effective.
Faculty/Staff Proposal Form

CEHS Graduate Students Technology Innovation Grants:

As part of the Kutscher Technology Innovation Grant program, the CEHS Technology Committee has created a new award for CEHS graduate students to support their innovative uses of technology in teaching, learning, and research. There will be one award given for up to $1000.

To qualify to apply for this award for the FY25 competition, graduate students must:

  • Have an expected graduation date of May 2026 or later.
  • Be enrolled at least part time and be seeking a graduate degree from a CEHS department.
  • Have the support from a faculty member to sign off on and provide mentoring for the project.

The projects considered for funding should:

  • Be designed to primarily benefit graduate students’ growth and innovation in applying technology to teaching, learning, and /or research.
  • Provide an opportunity for the College to learn about the application of technology including its impacts and potential.
Graduate Student Proposal Form