CEHS Staff Council awards Gary Anderson with Staff Star award

CEHS Staff Council awards Gary Anderson with Staff Star award

10 Dec 2013    

CEHS Staff Council congratulates Gary Anderson CEHS Staff Star Award recipient.

Gary is the assistant editor for the Buros Center for Testing.  Some of the things Gary’s nominators said about him are:

  • Gary has served as assistant editor for Mental Measurements Yearbook for more than 20 years, but recently provided his talent in graphics to help promote a Spanish publication with advertisements and promotional materials.
  • He maintains and improves the our website, contributes in a major way to our database re-development project, serves on a great many search committees, and uses his personal iPad to Skype in staff members to meetings when necessary.
  • Gary’s incredible good nature is incredibly steady, making him a stabilizing presence with the Buros Center.

So, if you get a chance, stop by room 21D in Teachers College Hall to congratulate Gary. He is very deserving of this award!


College of Education and Human Sciences