CEHS faculty discussion addressed grade inflation and incompletes.
Grade Inflation
- Professors need to have clear expectations for graduate students regarding the criteria for passing grades in their courses.
- Professors need for provide specific feedback to graduate students on their performance in their courses.
- Departments need to clearly communicate to graduate students what letter grade cut-off point is considered a failing grade.
- Incompletes that are used in lieu of failing grades do not accurately reflect student performance.
- Faculty need clear guidelines for administering incompletes.
- Departments need clear guidelines to give student for resolving incompletes.
- Faculty need to be aware of how incompletes can affect students’ eligibility for financial aid.
- Faculty and graduate students need clear standards for adequate progress in a graduate program.
- Students’ progress in their programs should be monitored by their advisors.
- How are departments preparing advisors to work with students who are not making adequate progress?
- What are department procedures for advisors regarding documentation of students who are not making adequate progress