02 Jul 2012    

Swearer and colleagues report link betwen behavior issues, disabilities and bullying

Students receiving special-education services for behavioral disorders and those with more obvious disabilities are more likely to be bullied than their general-education counterparts — and are also more likely to bully other students, a new study shows.

The findings, published in the Journal of School Psychology, highlight the complexity of bullying's nature and the challenges in addressing the problem, said lead author Susan Swearer, professor of school psychology at UNL.

View Swearer and colleagues report link betwen behavior issues, disabilities and bullying Article

02 Jul 2012    

Trout awarded $3.5 from IES for "On the Way Home" project

Alex Trout, Associate Research Professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders Center for Child and Family Well Being, was recently awarded $3.5 million from the Institute for Education Sciences for her project, "On the Way Home: Promoting Transition Outcomes in Youth with EBD or LD – An Efficacy and Replication Study."

This research project will continue to examine aftercare, which is a link in the continuum of services for youth served in the child welfare system and in out-of-home care. 

View Trout awarded $3.5 from IES for "On the Way Home" project Article

02 Jul 2012    

Yang and Reddy awarded project funding from Nebraska Corn Board

Yiqi Yang and to Narendra Reddy, both from Textiles, Merchandizing and Fashion Design, have been awarded $51,000 for their research project, Fabrication of Zein Nanospheres for Potential Therapeutic Drug Delivery Applications. Funding comes from the Nebraska Corn Board

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02 Jul 2012    

Nell Inselman latest recipient of Staff Star Award

Nell Inselman, Travel Specialist for the CEHS Business Center, was selected as the June recipient of the CEHS Staff Star Award.

Inselman was praised by her nominators:
“Nell has been taking care of travel arrangements, reimbursements, and related details with grace, efficiency and minimum hassle to faculty and students traveling. The work is done on time (lightening speed in fact) with precision and the knowledge that comes with it. She helps us be better and be able to focus on the important things!”

View Nell Inselman latest recipient of Staff Star Award Article

02 Jul 2012    

TLTE graduate receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

David Hartman, who received his doctorate in mathematics education through the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, is one of two Nebraska teachers who recently received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.

Hartman is currently mathematics department chair at Southwest High School in Lincoln, Nebraska.

The Presidential Award is the highest recognition math and science teachers can receive.

View TLTE graduate receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Article

12 Jun 2012    

Kabourek receives Freda Drath Battey Distinguished Educator Award

CEHS proudly announces that Andrea Kabourek, English teacher at Lincoln East High School, is this year's recipient of the Freda Drath Battey Distinguished Educator Award. Kabourek was honored for her educational leadership during a June 1 luncheon at UNL.

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05 Jun 2012    

CEHS Staff Council presents "Destination France"

CEHS Staff Council presents "Destination France," part of the summer brown bag series.

Regis Moreau is the presenter. Moreau, a native of France, is an assistant professor in Nutrition and Health Sciences.

Please plann to join your colleagues for this stimulating presentation and discussion 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., June 26, in Leverton 304.

View CEHS Staff Council presents "Destination France" Article

31 May 2012    

Psychometric Society meeting is July 9-12

The Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education and Human Sciences is hosting the 77th Annual Conference of the Psychometric Society. The conference will be held at the Cornhusker Hotel July 9-12, with workshops July 9 and the main meeting beginning July 10.

View Psychometric Society meeting is July 9-12 Article

31 May 2012    

UNL study on Nebraska Latino youth is first of its kind


A research team based at UNL wants to understand what factors predict Latino youth adjustment by launching a large-scale study of Latino youth in Nebraska.

The goal is to understand the experiences of Latino youth in the state, their strengths and challenges, and the family and community supports that help them succeed. Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in Nebraska and the United States.

View UNL study on Nebraska Latino youth is first of its kind Article

21 May 2012    

Cordonier to serve as National Advisory Board Member for Nutrient-Gene Interactions interest section


Elizabeth Cordonier, doctoral student in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, has been selected to serve on the Advisory Board by the Nutrient-Gene Interactions Research Interest Section at the American Society for Nutrition.

View Cordonier to serve as National Advisory Board Member for Nutrient-Gene Interactions interest section Article