Stephanie Herzog portrait

11 May 2012    

Herzog, Educational Administration, receives Fulbright Scholarship

Stephanie Herzog, a master's degree candidate, has received a Fulbright Scholarship and will travel to Romania for a year to teach English and do educational advising at a Romanian university. Herzog is the fourth CEHS student to win a Fulbright this year. Continue reading…

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11 May 2012    

R2Ed to Conduct May 21 Webinar


The U.S. Department of Education has invited R2Ed researchers to conduct an upcoming webinar on family and community engagement initiatives that support student achievement and school improvement.

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07 May 2012    

CEHS group in China facing obstacles accessing the Internet

Students, staff, and faculty visiting China as part of the CEHS Students Abroad are experiencing issue posting to the Internet, and these issues underline the unique cultural experience the trip affords the group.

Read more at their Web site,


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07 May 2012    

4th annual NGN spring retreat: "Fostering Ties with the Food and Nutrition Industry"

4th annual NGN spring retreat: "Fostering Ties with the Food and Nutrition Industry"
May 14, 2012
University of Nebraska–Lincoln 
East Campus Union

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07 May 2012    

"Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Historic Clothing from 1880-1940," May 4 through September 7

"Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Historic Clothing from 1880-1940," May 4 through September 7

The evolution of women’s roles from 1880 to 1940 are illustrate in pieces selected from the collection of Katie Best, an established historic clothing collector from Omaha, Nebraska.

“Best of the Katie Best Collection” opens at the Robert Hillestad Gallery May 7th and runs through September 7th, 2012.

View "Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Historic Clothing from 1880-1940," May 4 through September 7 Article

07 May 2012    

Badiee is the 2011-2012 winner of the Barbara A. Kirk research award

Manijeh Badiee is the 2011-2012 winner of the Barbara A. Kirk research award given annually by the Society of Counseling Psychology. Her award recognizes her dissertation research, which "puts a face on Iranian women, the country's history, and current political discourse," and represents the core value of social justice in counseling psychology. Badoee will be presented the award at the APA conference this August. Mike Scheel (EDPS) is her advisor.

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25 Apr 2012    

Renfro, secondary ed major, wins Fulbright


Brian Rentfro, a senior secondary education major from Swansea, Ill., has received a Fulbright Scholarship. Next fall, he will be traveling to Germany, where he will live and teach English to German students for 10 months.

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23 Apr 2012    

NHS students, Miller and Hitchler, named 2012 student athletes of the year

A pair of NCAA All-America track and field athletes and team captains were named Nebraska's 2012 Student-Athletes of the Year Sunday night at the school's 22nd annual Student-Athlete Recognition Banquet before 650 attendees at the Bob Devaney Sports Center.

View NHS students, Miller and Hitchler, named 2012 student athletes of the year Article

23 Apr 2012    

O'Grady, CEHS, to teach in Brazil on Fulbright

Loni O’Grady, a secondary Spanish education and English as a Second Language education major, has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship. She will travel to Brazil in 2013 to gain experience teaching English in a foreign country. O’Grady, of Omaha, is completing her student teaching at Omaha South High School. She teaches Advanced-Placement Spanish, ESL 1 and 2 and a dual-language computer course.

View O'Grady, CEHS, to teach in Brazil on Fulbright Article