08 Jun 2011    

CEHS announces collaborative international education program

Two delegations of CEHS faculty, staff, and administrators have returned from China where they worked with university educators from across the globe.

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06 Jun 2011    

Harnisch awarded Fulbright

Del Harnisch, TLTE, has been selected as a Fulbright scholar for 2011-2012. Harnisch will work in the Republic of Georgia in Tiblisi.

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01 Jun 2011    

CEHS' NEAR Center promotes statistical, measurement, and research methodology

The Nebraska Evaluation and Research Center's purpose is to promote sound statistical, measurement, and research (e.g., Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods) methodology. In addition the Center serves as a hands-on training program for graduate students in the Quantitative, Qualitative, & Psychometric Methods (QQPM) program.

The NEAR Center provides consulting services to:

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24 May 2011    

Qin de Qing exhibit through June 3

Associate Professor Qin de Qing ("Gina"), Vice Dean in the Department of Textile and Fashion Design at Qingdao University in China, is nearing the end of a semester-long residency in TCD. A reception in her honor is scheduled for her May 24, 4 - 6 p.m. in the Rotunda Gallery of the Nebraska Union. Some of her work, completed in TCD this semester, will be on display until June 3 in the Rotunda.

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18 May 2011    

Staff Council's Spring Fling continues international theme

CEHS staff and faculty were treated to an international feast prepared by students under the supervision of Fayrene Hamouz. The year's final event had a two-fold purpose: introduce cuisine from across the globe and present Passport prizes.

This year, staff and faculty have had the opportunity to speak directly with people with diverse culturally backgrounds. Speakers included Pakistani born Dr. Makkawy, graduate students Bojan Lazarevic from Serbia, Ilker Yengin from Turkey, and Miles Bryant speaking on cultural changes in Georgia, Russian.

View Staff Council's Spring Fling continues international theme Article

28 Apr 2011    

Food gone bad? There's an app for that!

A new application available for Apple devices -- iPhone and iPod touch -- helps protect consumers from bad leftovers. The "4-Day Throw Away" application, available now from the App Store, is an extension of the 4-Day Throw Away campaign, which educates consumers about the dangers of foodborne illnesses and the four-day guideline for eating, freezing, or throwing away leftovers.

View Food gone bad? There's an app for that! Article

15 Apr 2011    

R2Ed Speaker Series Commences April 21

The CEHS-housed National Center for Research on Rural Education will commence its 2011 Creating Rural Connections Speaker Series with a presentation by Jim Knight, a research associate with the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.

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05 Apr 2011    

CEHS turns biowaste into industrial products

Yiqi Yang, Professor Textiles, Clothing, and Design, was interviewed recently by the BBC regarding his work with biowaste and plastics.

The BBC reports, "But the work presented by Yiqi Yang, from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, takes this idea further and uses the chicken feather fibres themselves as a principal ingredient - making up 50% of the mass of the composite.

As a result, the plastics require less of the materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene that are derived from petroleum products."

View CEHS turns biowaste into industrial products Article

05 Apr 2011    

RUSA selects BUROS Test Reviews Onlne as a "Best Free Reference Web Site"

According to Reference and User Services Association , BUROS Test Reviews Online, "helps users identify tests and instruments used in education, business, psychology, etc. Ways to search the Reviews include an alphabetical search, a category search, and a keyword search. The online index provides author, title, purpose of the measure, publisher address and other contact information, along with a cross-reference to the volume and page of the review in Mental Measurements Yearbook (1985-present).

View RUSA selects BUROS Test Reviews Onlne as a "Best Free Reference Web Site" Article