11 Nov 2010    

Samuel Totten to speak on Darfur Genocide, November 16, 2010

Samuel Totten will speak November 16, 2010 at 7:00pm in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. His talk is entitled "The Darfur Genocide: Antecedents, Atrocities, Accountability." This talk is co-sponsored by TLTE.

View Samuel Totten to speak on Darfur Genocide, November 16, 2010 Article

09 Nov 2010    

NU Directions garners national recognition for campus alcohol prevention

NU Directions as been recognized as one of 12 “case histories” of effective campus alcohol prevention in Field Experiences in Effective Prevention: The U.S. Department of Education’s Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Models on College Campuses Grants, published in May 2010 by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe ad Drug-free Schools, Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention.

View NU Directions garners national recognition for campus alcohol prevention Article

02 Nov 2010    

South Asian Seams exhibition through November 7, 2010

The International Quilt Study Center & Museum invites you to explore South Asian Seams: Quilts from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

View South Asian Seams exhibition through November 7, 2010 Article

02 Nov 2010    

Marseille: White Corded Quilting, November 13, 2010 to May 22, 2011

Marseille: White Corded Quilting, the first major display in the world of all-white quilted and corded French needlework, will explore its development in Marseilles, the fusion of technique with design imagery, and the integration of this needlework into other cultures as it was exported, adopted and re-transformed over three centuries in three continents.

View Marseille: White Corded Quilting, November 13, 2010 to May 22, 2011 Article

08 Sep 2010    

Graduate Student Reception September 10, 2010

The annual CEHS Graduate Student Reception is scheduled for September 10, 2010. Please join us in the BUROS Library 3:30-4:30 for conversation and refreshments.

Graduate students have in the past found the reception a great way to meet faculty members and other graduate students.

View Graduate Student Reception September 10, 2010 Article

08 Sep 2010    

Rick Kolowski, CEHS Alumni Board President, reaches out to former students

The alumni of The College Education and Human Sciences have left their mark on families, schools and communities all over the world through their commitment to teaching, leadership, and research. This site is dedicated to strengthening the connections between alumni and the college.

We hope you will find the resources and information here helpful and interesting. Be sure to drop us a line and let us know where you are, what you're doing and share with us your stories about the impact your experiences in The College of Education & Human Sciences have had on your career.

View Rick Kolowski, CEHS Alumni Board President, reaches out to former students Article

08 Sep 2010    

Robinson to speak September 10, 2010

Dan Robinson, The University of Texas at Austin, will speak at CEHS September 10, 2010, 2:00-3:00 in Teachers College Hall 112. Following Robinson's remarks, there will be a question and answer session in Teachers College 113.

Robinson will discuss on new applications of Roediger's testing effect and test-enhanced learning research, Pashler and Dempster's spacing effect research, and clickers and team-based testing.


View Robinson to speak September 10, 2010 Article

07 Sep 2010    

Barkley Memorial Center celebration September 9, 2010

Barkley Memorial Center will celebrate the completion of a major renovation and improvements to its facilities. Escorted tours of the building will be availale, and  refreshments will be served after the program.

The celebration is Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 4:40 p.m. Barkley Memorial Center is located on UNL's East Campus.

View Barkley Memorial Center celebration September 9, 2010 Article

23 Aug 2010    

CEHS hosts "Making Connections in Science" for Lincoln Public School teachers

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln hosted "Making Connections in Science" with the Lincoln Public Schools on Aug. 16 to provide professional development for LPS science teachers. Professor Jon Pedersen from UNL's Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education and Kirsten Smith, LPS science curriculum specialist, welcomed the teachers and introduced the day's agenda. Smith discussed the new State Standards, a timeline for NeSA-S, and information about the CRTs that will still be administered this year.

View CEHS hosts "Making Connections in Science" for Lincoln Public School teachers Article

23 Aug 2010    

Isernhagen recieves Al Kilgore Award of Excellence

Jody Isernhagen (EDAD) was honored with the Al Kilgore Award of Excellence. The award was presented by the Nebraska Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development during the 2010 Administrator Days.  

The Al Kilgore Award of Excellence is presented to individuals who have made lasting contributions to assessment and curriculum.  Isernhagen is the fourth person to receive the award.

View Isernhagen recieves Al Kilgore Award of Excellence Article