23 Aug 2010    

SECD students and faculty pitch in at Special Olympics

The Audiology Doctoral students (SECD) worked long hours the week of July 19-23 at the Special Olympics as part of the Healthy Hearing Program.  All the audiology students pitched in, working 30 hours during the week.  The students screened about 950 athletes. Nearly 130 hearing aids were provided to the athletes.

Kelly Wacker, as Lead Clinical Director, coordinated the event, including ordering equipment, registering volunteers, and training audiologists from across the nation who will establish Healthy Hearing Programs for their own state Special Olympics.

View SECD students and faculty pitch in at Special Olympics Article

22 Jun 2010    

Kiewra, Honz, Yang research study featured in national media

Ken Kiewra, Kelly Honz, and Ya-Shu Yang have had their recent paper, Exploring Students’ Academic Behavior and Motivation in the Social Context, featured in a wide range of media publications such as U.S. News & World Report, and ABC News Radio.

The paper appears in the May issue of Mid-Western Educational Researcher.

View Kiewra, Honz, Yang research study featured in national media Article

02 Jun 2010    

Gretchen Oltman receives award for outstanding dissertation

Gretchen Oltman has received the National Association of Secondary School Principals award for outstanding dissertation related to high school.

Gretchen is a May 2009 EDUS PhD graduate advised by Don Uerling (EDAD).  

Oltman's dissertation is titled "Dealing with Student Violent Writing in the English Classroom: A Framework for Public School Administrators."

View Gretchen Oltman receives award for outstanding dissertation Article

07 May 2010    

CEHS creates strong presence at 2010 American Educational Research Association Conference

Students and faculty members from across CEHS presented dozens of research findings and projects at the AERA conference, held this year in Denver, Colorado.

In all, 37 CEHS researchers shared their work with colleagues from around the world. The presentations showcased CEHS' diverse research programs and how these contribute to everyday educational practice.

View CEHS creates strong presence at 2010 American Educational Research Association Conference Article

07 May 2010    

Industrial Technology holds annual presentation of student woodworking projects

Industrial Technology held its annual presentation of student woodworking projects May 7th, 2010.

As in the past, this year's presentation drew dozens of visitors from disciplines across UNL and the public.  

Tom Kraft, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, supervises the industrial technology program, which has supported teacher education.

View Industrial Technology holds annual presentation of student woodworking projects Article

28 Apr 2010    

CEHS faculty, staff recognized for outstanding contributions

Congratulations to the CEHS 2010 Award Recipients. Awardees were recognized during a presentation ceremony April 16, 2010.
Faculty Student Mentoring Award

    Barbara Trout

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
    Brad Baurain

Pre-Professional Research/Creative Career Award
    Tiffany Hogan

Distinguished Research/Creative Career Award
    Helen Raikes

View CEHS faculty, staff recognized for outstanding contributions Article

05 Apr 2010    

Vitevitch to speak at Barkley Memorial Center April 13

Michael Vitevitch, University of Kansas, will speak at Barkley Memorial Center April 13.  The presentation is scheduled for 12:00 P.M. and will be held in 313 Barkley Memorial Center.

View Vitevitch to speak at Barkley Memorial Center April 13 Article

05 Apr 2010    

Carolyn Denton, Monday, April 12: Scaling Up Effective Reading Interventions

Carolyn Denton, leading researcher in reading disability remediation, will visit UNL April 12. Her presentation entitled, "Using Student-Focused Coaching to Support the Process of Scaling Up Effective Reading Interventions in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Schools," is free and open to the public.

Denton is Associate Professor in the Children's Learning Institute, Department of Pediatrics, at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston. Her research focuses on reading intervention, Response to Intervention (RTI) models, and coaching as a form of professional development.

View Carolyn Denton, Monday, April 12: Scaling Up Effective Reading Interventions Article

05 Apr 2010    

"Black Ocean" exhibition: Applique narratives by William Wilson

From April 5 through 30, 2010, the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery in the Department of Textiles, Clothing & Design at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host the exhibition “The Black Ocean: Europe - Africa - America” featuring appliquéd banner narratives documenting the complicated history of the infamous “triangle trade,” created by French artist William Wilson.

View "Black Ocean" exhibition: Applique narratives by William Wilson Article

02 Apr 2010    

The Buros Center for Testing Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 9-10, 2010

Entitled, "Monitoring Assessment Quality in the Age of Accountability," this conference celebrates over 70 years since the initial publication of the Mental Measurements Yearbook series and over 30 years since establishment of the Buros Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

View The Buros Center for Testing Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 9-10, 2010 Article