17 Apr 2017    

CEHS students awarded at research fair

The 2017 UNL Spring Research Fair featured more than 200 undergraduate research posters, 10 undergraduate creative exhibits, and 160-plus graduate research posters and exhibits on April 4-5 in the Nebraska Union.

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14 Apr 2017    

Rupiper retirement reception April 19

Faculty, staff, colleagues and friends are invited to help honor and celebrate Michelle Rupiper at her retirement reception, from 3:30-5 p.m., April 19, in Room 121, Human Sciences Building , on East Campus. Rupiper is retiring after 36 years in the early childhood field. A special presentation will begin at 4:15 p.m. and you can join the honoree for a tour of the Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory at 5 p.m. 

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14 Apr 2017    

Pre-service teachers practice science lessons at children’s museum

Students in Krista Adams’ TEAC 315 class see much more than the four walls of their Henzlik Hall classroom. They take what they learn in “Teaching Science in the Elementary School” and apply it in after-school science clubs in Lincoln elementary schools and with children at the Lincoln Children’s Museum (LCM).

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11 Apr 2017    

CEHS students shine at Husker athletic honors

The College of Education and Human Sciences was well represented April 9 when the Nebraska Athletics Department recognized its best and brightest student-athletes at the Lied Center. The most coveted awards were collected by two current and one former CEHS students.

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07 Apr 2017    By Brad Stauffer

TLTE’s Wessels receives CEHS Swanson Award for teaching excellence

The College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has selected Stephanie Wessels, associate professor of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, as the 2017 recipient of the Donald R. & Mary Lee Swanson Award for Teaching Excellence.

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Reece Peterson

06 Apr 2017    By Kelcey Buck

Reece Peterson set to retire after 39 years at SECD

A lot has changed in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders since 1978, but there has also been one constant during that time –Reece Peterson. A professor in the special education program, Peterson will walk out of the Barkley Memorial Center May 15 and into a new chapter – retirement – ending his 39-year career at the university.

The department will host a farewell reception to celebrate Peterson’s retirement from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Friday, April 28, at the Nebraska East Union. A short program is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

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05 Apr 2017    

Hackathon aims to create kinder, braver online world

A unique combination of partners is joining forces to host #HackUNL, a 24-hour hackathon April 14-16 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Lorraine Males

05 Apr 2017    

Males receives NSF CAREER award for math ed

Mathematics is one of the most textbook-dependent subjects in school, and much research goes into developing math curricula. Relatively little effort, however, is spent helping K-12 math teachers use textbooks effectively, said Nebraska education researcher Lorraine Males.

To support future teachers in employing math curricula, Males will research how teachers currently approach textbooks. She will use these results to develop teacher education materials for college-level courses, with the goal of better preparing students for future teaching positions.

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04 Apr 2017    

CEHS represents at 2017 AERA meeting

The College of Education and Human Sciences will continue its rich tradition of showcasing educational research at the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting. CEHS faculty and students will be attending April 27-May 1 in San Antonio. A reception will be hosted by CEHS from 5-7 p.m., April 28 at Pat OBrien's restaurant. For additional information, including access to a CEHS presenter schedule, visit the CEHS AERA webpage.

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30 Mar 2017    By Brad Stauffer

Hospitality students interning at Masters golf tournament

Billed as “a tradition unlike any other,” the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, will feature a lineup of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students again this year. Interning as hospitality professionals, 15 students and their professor from Nebraska’s Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM) program will work with members, patrons and staff at Augusta National for the 2017 Masters Tournament, beginning April 1.

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