31 Oct 2014    

SECD doctoral students awarded New Century Scholarships

Austin Oder and Jessie Patterson, both Ph.D. students in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, were awarded New Century Doctoral Scholarships from the American Speech Language Hearing Association. The New Century Scholarship program supports strong doctoral candidates who will pursue a teacher-investigator career in the academic environment at the university/college level. Oder and Patterson will be recognized at the American Speech Language Hearing Association convention in November.

View SECD doctoral students awarded New Century Scholarships Article

21 Oct 2014    

CEHS Research Showcase highlights life-changing work

Research matters in practical and profound ways. Research in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is enhancing the lives of individuals, families, schools and communities. Older adults can live independently longer, athletes can return to the playing field more safely after concussions, and Americans can avoid the health pitfalls of obesity. These are examples of the promise found in research projects that will be featured at the 2014 CEHS Research Showcase from 4-6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 23 at the UNL East Campus Union in Lincoln.

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14 Oct 2014    By Brad Stauffer

CEHS graduate and student named Nebraska Teacher of the Year

Scottsbluff High School mathematics teacher Shelby Aaberg has been named Nebraska Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Department of Education. Aaberg earned his bachelor's degree in math education from CEHS and Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education in 2004. He's currently a Ph.D. student in TLTE and advisee of Dr. Del Harnisch.

View CEHS graduate and student named Nebraska Teacher of the Year Article

10 Oct 2014    

CEHS Student Research Conference Nov. 8

The 2014 CEHS Student Research Conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8. All undergraduate and graduate CEHS students are invited to share their work with fellow students, faculty, other educators, alumni, friends and community members. The aim of the conference is to give students an opportunity to showcase their work and dialogue about important issues in education and the human sciences.

View CEHS Student Research Conference Nov. 8 Article

07 Oct 2014    By Brad Stauffer

UNL couple completes lifetime of giving

Their married life was spent in the Washington, D.C. area where John Phillips worked his entire career as a U.S. Navy ordnance engineer. However John and Lorraine Phillips never lost their love of Nebraska and their alma mater. They met at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and when it came time to make estate plans, they remembered the place that brought them together. A place where they forged lifelong friendships. A place that provided a foundation for their life together.

View UNL couple completes lifetime of giving Article

30 Sep 2014    

Entrepreneur Walter T. Wilhelm Visits UNL October 7-8, 2014

On Tuesday and Wednesday October 7 and 8, 2014, the Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design (TMFD) will host Walter T. Wilhelm, chairman of Walter Wilhelm Associates, LLC, a Utah-based boutique consulting organization that helps retail and brand clients refine “front-end” processes. As a management consulting firm, WWA focuses on empowering apparel, footwear, and retail executives with the strategies, processes, and technologies that create tangible business value and sustainable competitive advantage. Their team’s deep industry expertise and their best practice knowledge base built from hundreds of successful projects around the globe, make WWA unique among consulting agencies. Their experts in the apparel, footwear, and interiors markets offer valuable domain expertise from product development, to supply chain, to retailing.

View Entrepreneur Walter T. Wilhelm Visits UNL October 7-8, 2014 Article

29 Sep 2014    

CEHS students crowned royalty

Congratulations to CEHS seniors Shelby Kruse, a nutrition science major, and Jeffrey Story, a political science and English major with a minor in education. Kruse and Story were coronated as homecoming king and queen Saturday, Sept. 27 during halftime of the Nebraska-Illinois game.

Kruse is president of her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, and staff adviser for the Nebraska Human Resources Institute. Her parents are John and Stephannie Kruse of Lincoln.

View CEHS students crowned royalty Article

Stacie Ray, director of HearU Nebraska and associate professor of practice in audiology (second from left), accepts the grant award of $75,950 from Women Investing in Nebraska and is joined by her son, Brandon Ray (far left), and HearU Nebraska clients Hannah Lionberger (third from left), and Kelly Rausch (second from right) and her daughter Evie Rausch.

26 Sep 2014    By Robb Crouch, University of Nebraska Foundation

HearU Nebraska receives grant from Women Investing in Nebraska

Many children in Nebraska who are born with or develop hearing loss are likely to receive the life changing gift of hearing thanks to a grant awarded to HearU Nebraska from Women Investing in Nebraska.

HearU Nebraska, a statewide program of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Education and Human Sciences, was awarded $75,950 from Women Investing in Nebraska to help provide hearing aids for babies and children with hearing loss and help with cochlear implants for children whose parents’ insurance doesn’t cover the equipment.

View HearU Nebraska receives grant from Women Investing in Nebraska Article

15 Sep 2014    

Homecoming tailgate Sept. 27, 5-7 p.m.

Faculty and staff are welcome to the CEHS Alimni Tailgate with great food and great music at no charge Sept. 27, 5-7 p.m. As part of the festivities Roger Breed, former Nebraska Commissioner of Education, will be honored as the 2014 CEHS Distinguished Alum.

The Tailgate will be held in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center (just east of the city campus Union). Tickets are available on a first-come basis with space for approximately 20 people.

Please register online: http://cehs15.unl.edu/ccp/

View Homecoming tailgate Sept. 27, 5-7 p.m. Article

10 Sep 2014    By Brad Stauffer

Deadline Sept. 19 to register for CEHS Research Showcase

It only happens every two years, so don’t miss your opportunity to attend the CEHS Research Showcase, 4-6 p.m., Oct. 23, 2014 at the UNL East Campus Union. Join students and faculty as they share their latest research projects. Every department in CEHS has compelling research to share. Whether it’s research, outreach, extension, or innovation in instruction, register to present and let your research shine.

View Deadline Sept. 19 to register for CEHS Research Showcase Article